SO MANY THANK YOUS to everyone who came out and otherwise supported the album recording show this week at ShapeShifter Lab! I was honored to have such a supportive crowd and two wonderful comedians in Ophira Eisenberg and Victor Varnado to share the bill.

I can’t wait to put the finishing touches on the audio files and release this album into the wild! As I mentioned in my announcement video, this is the first time I’ve recorded a full-length show specifically to release as a concert album, and even though I probably should have/could have done this years ago the timing for this album feels perfect.

It was an absolutely wonderful  evening, and if we were able to capture only half of the fun, energy, and joy in the room the album is going to turn out great. The club even looked cool, which may not seem important for an audio-only concert album, but I think, somehow, you’ll be able to hear it. I even installed a new preamp into my favorite guitar (a Seagull I’ve had since the 90s) to make it available for this show, which means it was kind of like a reunion show to boot!

So thanks again to everyone who helped with this project: the aforementioned Ophira and Victor, the people at ShapeShifter Lab—especially Nadav Post for being a top-notch audio and lighting tech, Heidi at Shark Party Media, and everyone who helped me prepare and get the word out. My plan is for a late-January release date, hopefully Jan 22 or 29, 2019, with an advance single available the first week of the year (and we’ll do that cool thing where if you pre-order you get the advance single right away and the pre-orders help my 1-day sales numbers which helps me get noticed by other people which is super-important because I’m releasing the thing myself and…

OK, now I’m just working on my marketing strategy out loud. Sorry! Stay tuned for release info, and if you’re not on my mailing list already, sign up for the latest!


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