Brad Paisley and Rachel Platten have something in common: they both like to sit around the house, just playing music and writing songs about insurance.  In fact, they look so cool doing it I decided to give it a try for this week’s 52 Sellout!

I had some fun this week with a simple acoustic jingle and the fact that we here in the U.S.A. have a few different dialects. Regional differences in speech fascinate me: I was a “pop” guy growing up, until I went to college (university for Brits) in California and was looked at sideways and asked “do you mean ‘Coke’?”

“Pop” or “Coke”?
“Pop” or “Coke”?

In northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin I always heard the term “snowmobile” for those winter conveyances, but when I went to Alaska everyone called them “snow machines.” I blame Canada.

“Snowmobile” or “snow machine”?
“Snowmobile” or “snow machine”?

Enjoy this week’s fake commercial! Or faux advert!

Sketches Video

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