Yesterday I got the last batch of kickstarter packages sent off to the folks that opted for physical CDs and I’d like to give one last hearty “thank you” to everyone who participated in funding the project. The support was wide-ranging and I sent CDs to over 80 people in 11 countries!

The CDs were hand-numbered and signed, and the numbers ranged from 1 to 82. CD #1 went to my good friend Alan Rovner, and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time until the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tries to track him down to get their hands on it.

There were many bubble mailers involved, and for a couple of days my apartment looked like an office supply store exploded, but by Friday morning the domestic packages went out and yesterday the international packages—going to destinations from Australia to Finland—had their turn, after some unfortunate sticker shock at the Post Office…
Apparently since the last time I mailed a CD internationally (last fall) the US Post Office changed the designation of bubble mailers from “large envelope” to “package” thus raising the price for mailing a 3-ounce CD envelope from $3.75 to $9.45, a 250% increase. So all of the time I spent weighing the packages and buying postage ahead of time was pretty much wasted. Such is the price of international rock stardom.
One other unexpected challenge led me to give up on trying to include a polaroid of me signing the first 10 CDs. I tried a couple of shots and they ended up looking like there was some sort of creepy hostage situation going on, which wouldn’t have been fun for anyone, so I swapped in the lovely 4-color stickers with the cover art, which I think you’ll agree are much more pleasing to the eye.

And now that the wonderfully generous kickstarter supporters have gotten their CDs, it’s everyone else’s turn! Keep Your Jazz Hand Strong will be available Tuesday, June 4 on, Amazon and more!