I’ve been lying low lately due to some sad family news, but I’m doing a few things! Like a Cover Tuesday tonight on Feb 4, full of songs with “lost,” “losing,” or “loser” in the title. It’s gonna be a fun set!
I’ll be streaming on my normal twitch channel and for the first time simul-streaming on kick.com, which is basically a twitch clone that’s not run by Amazon. Will it be better? The same? Not even noticeable? We’ll see!
As for The Odd Rock Comedy Hour, it’s on hiatus for the time being. I paused booking the show when QED announced they would be closing; then they announced that they were staying open (yay!) but in the interim my mom passed away, so I’m not gonna have the time or be in town enough the next few months to run a monthly show.
But! I hope to restart the show sometime this year, hopefully in Brooklyn if I can, we’ll see. Stay tuned!
In the meantime, I hope to do a few more live stream shows. And my comedy special is still there, and as relevant ever!
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