Let’s get Stoopit!

I like to do things that are fun and musical on or around my birthday. In the pandemic lockdown year of 2020 I did an outdoor set of music in Prospect Park here in Brooklyn. Last year my monthly comedy show The Odd Rock Comedy Hour fell right on my actual birthday so I had a Studio 54-themed show and party, full of disco songs, fabulous outfits, and comedy!

This year I’m bringing back Cover Tuesday, the weekly cover song live stream I did for 2 years  (bi-weekly the 2nd year) starting at the beginning of the lockdown in March 2020 and running for over 70 shows!

The show will happen on Tuesday (obvi) Sep 24, at its usual time of 8:15 NYC time on my twitch channel and the very self-indulgent theme is songs that are somehow connected to my birthday, which I’ll explain in more detail in the show. It’ll make sense 🙂

I even designed a new emote for the return show: an animated gif of a guitar on fire!

Seriously, how cool is that? If you’re in the chat room it will pop up if you type “robproFlame”

And the old emotes are still in there, the bic lighter (type “robproBic”) and the lag jag (“robproLagjag”), designed to chase away the video lag, which I really hope won’t make a comeback. I have a new laptop and I’ve tweaked my settings for optimum performance!

So join me on Tuesday, Sep 24, for a fun set of stoopit covers, some good birthday week vibes, and hopefully no lag issues!


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