Check out the archive of my live streamed show from Monday, Jan 19, 2021! I hadn’t done my original songs in so long I decided to do a little pop-up set of some of my faves just to have some fun (and refresh my memory). We had over 40 viewers and I streamed it to my twitch channel and YouTube!

It’s not quite the same as an in-person live show but the live stream format did allow me to perform for people all across the country and world!

Watch Live-streamed set from Jan 18, 2021

Here’s the setlist if you want to skip ahead to your favorite, but you’ll miss all of the meandering between-song banter!

0–5:15 Opening screen
5:15 Intro
8:20 Driving With Grandpa
11:08 Decoupage
16:20 I’m Just Here For The Swag
19:55 Catching Rays on the Fire Escape
24:25 Booze, Women, and Movies
30:25 Particle Board
34:10 Grown Men In Flip-Flops
40:55 Dial Up Days
46:05 Baby in a Bar
53:35 Flashback Wife
59:35 Pushing Band Candy

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