In this era of body mods and tattoos I figured I’d go one step further and have a couple of pins installed in my hand.
Sure, the doctor says I need them because I have a broken bone, but I think pretty soon all the kids will be getting pins installed, just to be cool.
You may ask, “hey Rob, doesn’t having a cast on your left hand make it difficult to play guitar?” And I would say, “yup!” Which is why I haven’t had a lot of shows over the past few weeks. I did however keep my engagement at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois last month, managing to do the show with a little 2-octave keyboard hooked up to a laptop. I’ve also done a few shorter non-guitar stand-up sets here and there to keep the comedy fires burning.

But the cast will be coming off and the pins will be out soon and I’ll be back to making the funny with guitar in (both) hand(s)! I hope to see you at a show or online soon–I can’t wait to show off my medically reconstructed pinkie knuckle!
Yours in rock,