Sometime last night the Pachelbel Rant got its ten millionth view! I’m really grateful to everyone who has watched it and shared it with friends, thank you! And in the online world where a five-minute video is considered an insanely long running time, I’m proud of the fact that so many people stick around for the whole thing.
Some “Rant” fun facts: It’s been subtitled in at least 7 languages, you can check out the subtitled versions here.
The granddaughter of George Carlin‘s manager saw the rant, showed her dad who then showed it to Carlin’s manager, and they liked it enough to have me open several shows for the legendary comic.
The very first version of the Rant was audio only, appeared on my CD American Cheese, and made the Funny Five on the legendary Dr. Demento Radio show.
I really did play the cello, from 2nd grade through high school and when the orchestra played Pachelbel’s Canon we in the cello section wouldn’t even bother taking the music out of the folder. The other piece we never needed the music for was Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart, another piece we had to play every year but one I actually liked.
Thanks again to everyone who’s watched and enjoyed the Rant!