I often get asked, “where have you performed?” to which I often give the vague answer, “all over.”
Well, now, thanks to my own personal google map (and the effort of several interns at RobPRocks Industries) I can get incredibly, superfluously specific. At least as far back as 2003 or so.
If you click on the pins you’ll get a pop-up window with more info on the venue, sometimes just the date, other gigs have more background along with pictures, and sometimes even links to video from the gig.
Pre-2003 shows will be added soon as soon as we parse the analog data… O.K. that actually means as soon as I dig up the written info for my pre-digital-calendar years. If I can find them and my tem of experts can decipher my handwriting I’ll be adding more pins to the Northwest, Texas, and a few other regions that I did a lot of shows in from 95-2003. I hope google maps has enough pins.