The Laughingstock Music Fest will be bringing over 30 comedy music acts to Chicago’s legendary rock club Double Door for a day-long orgy of music-infused comedy. Rocking 2 stages from 3pm to midnight, Laughingstock is going to be one hell of an event.

I’ll be hitting the mainstage around 8:45pm for a nice 25-minute set and I couldn’t be more excited. This is my first show back in Chicago in over a year and a half! That’s just too darn long.

I hope you can make it! Getting tickets in advance is highly recommended because with this many great performances the fest will most likely sell out. You can get tickets at this link, check out the fest’s facebook page here, and I set up a facebook event for my set if you’d like to RSVP to that to keep all of your info in one place.

Hope you can make it!
