The Social Graph, a one-act comedy about our real lives vs. our digital lives, debuts March 10th as part of The Network One Act Festival and I’m really excited! I’ve assembled a great cast and I’m really happy with the way everything has been coming together thus far–I can’t wait to see it in front of crowd.  We have two performances in the first round and audience vote determines which plays advance to the semi-finals so I hope you can come and support us to help us get to the finals!

I was involved with this festival back in 2009 with my one act play Blowing Bubbles, which advanced all the way to the finals, and we had a really good experience with the theater, The Network and meeting the people working on the other plays. 2012 looks to be even better so I know you’ll enjoy the shows.

I have some more information and links at the play’s page, and I’ll include the main details below. If you have any questions or want more info feel free to email us at <info> at <robprocks> dot <com>.

The Social Graph
Saturday, March 10, 8:30 pm
The Barrow Group Theater
312 W. 36th St., NYC

The Social Graph
Monday, March 12, 8:30 pm
The Barrow Group Theater
312 W. 36th St., NYC

Advance tickets available by following this link.


Social Graph Thumbnail

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