December 31, 2019
First Night Morristown (NJ)
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Time: 9:45 PM
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Moristown, NJ
Address: 3 Speedwell Ave.
Zipcode: 07960
State: NJ
Country: USA

First Night Morris is the biggest First Night celebration in New Jersey and I’m excited to be one of 100+ artists performing this year on New Year’s Eve! Events start in the early evening and you’ll have TWO chances to catch my 45-minute set!

I’ll be performing at 9:45 and again at 10:45, which gives you a chance to see me as well as many of the other acts, and catch one of the 2 fireworks displays, at 9pm and midnight! I’ll be doing my PG-rated show so bring your kids, tweens, and teens, they won’t be corrupted!

There’s a lot going on so check out the First Night Morris website and get your buttons soon!