In order to keep up with demand, geosocial sites like foursquare need to continually create new badges for their members to earn. Here are a few badges I’d like to propose.

We Should Probably Have a Talk Badge.

We Should Probably Have a Talk BadgeCheck in to 10 bars between the hours of 2am–4am on weeknights and earn the We Should Probably Have a Talk badge. Your family may have given up on your drinking but Foursquare wants to make sure it covers its legal bases by suggesting that you may have a problem.  Now we can’t be held liable for encouraging your incessant drinking!



I Know Most of My Friends Only Online Badge

I Know Most of My Friends Online BadgeAfter your 5th check in at a Renaissance Faire you unlock the I Know Most of my Friends Only Online Badge. You live in a world of dragons, swordplay and online raiding guilds so bravo for getting out of the house and actually going to an outdoor event. We just wish your gamer friends and twitter crushes could be there with you.



I have Issues With Food Badge

Checking in to the gym is good, but checking in to a 5 Guys Burgers 2 hours later kind of defeats the purpose. Do so 5 times and earn yourself the I Have Issues With Food badge. Now your online friends will understand why you shake uncontrollably just walking past a Cinnabon.



I’m Going to Die Alone Badge

It’s Thanksgiving and/or Christmas and for the 3rd year in a row you’ve checked in to a greasy spoon diner. Congratulations, you’ve just unlocked the I’m Going to Die Alone badge. Connect with other people who’ve earned the badge to make one of  those “If we’re not married by 40” pacts to keep the badge’s dire prediction from coming to pass.



It’s Not Them It’s You Badge

It's Not Them It's You BadgeYou’re on your 25th speed dating check in within a 12 month span which means it’s time to accept the It’s Not Them It’s You Badge. There’s nothing wrong with high standards, and maybe you keep going to these speed dating events just to prove to yourself that no one could possibly deserve the image you have of yourself–we just want to make sure you know that it’s you, not them.


These are just a few of the new badges we’re proposing, hope you enjoy them. Let us know if you’d like to see any others!


Rob's Blog